Little Green Tree House_Maritza_24-25

Day Care TopicsTopicsGreetings and Classroom CommandsColors and NumbersAnimalsFamily and Days of the WeekWeatherFood and DrinksFood and CelebrationsHolidays and SeasonsZoo Animals and InsectsShapes and SizesClothing and Daily RoutineAt the Park and...

St. Mary_Diana_24-25

6th Grade UnitUnitUnit 1: Bolivia – Nos conocemosUnit 2: España - ¿Cómo vivimos?Unit 3: El Salvador – Vamos a aprenderUnit 4: Puerto Rico – Los animalesUnit 5: Guatemala – Nos cuidamosUnit 6: Uruguay – Nuestro ambienteUnit 7: México - ¿Cómo funciona?Unit 8: Ecuador –...

St. Luke_Elizabeth_24-25

Kinder UnitsUnitsUnit 1: Greetings and Classroom CommandsUnit 2: Colors and NumbersUnit 3: AnimalsUnit 4: Family and Days of the WeekUnit 5: WeatherUnit 6: Food and DrinksUnit 7: Food and CelebrationsUnit 8: Holidays and SeasonsUnit 9: Zoo Animals and InsectsUnit 10:...


Kinder UnitsUnitsUnit 1: Greetings and Classroom CommandsUnit 2: Colors and NumbersUnit 3: AnimalsUnit 4: Family and Days of the WeekUnit 5: WeatherUnit 6: Food and DrinksUnit 7: Food and CelebrationsUnit 8: Holidays and SeasonsUnit 9: Zoo Animals and InsectsUnit 10:...